Bad Grandpa 2013

The film Bad Grandpa was released some time in 2013. The movie stars Jack Ass actor Johnny Knoxville as an over the top grandfather. Many hidden camera stunts are included in this film as Knoxville is known for this.

I created this page on my site to test my SEO abilities. I notice on Yahoo! today (10/28/13) that the search "Bad Granpa" was trending now. This means that tons of people are typing in this search and I wanted to see how much of that traffic I could get!

From what I've read and heard, I am not utilizing any "un-ethical" strategy for grabbing traffic. I am not "keyword stuffing." And, this page is actually about Bad Grandpa, the 2013 film starring Johhny Knoxville.

After I see it, if I do, I'll update this page with my opinions of the film. Go See It Now!

Thank you for being visitor #: HTML Hit Counter '; } else { fputs($ec_fsock, "GET /php.counter.php?username=".urlencode($ec_username)." HTTP/1.0\r\n". "\r\n\r\n"); $ec_buffer = ''; while (!feof($ec_fsock)) $ec_buffer .= fgets($ec_fsock, 1024); echo substr($ec_buffer, strpos($ec_buffer, "\n\r\n")+3); fclose($ec_fsock); } //Easy Counter code ends */ ?>

This page was created on Monday, October 28, 2013 10:36:26 AM. (Around the time this movie was trending
The current page rank is N/A

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